
Gun failures

Barrel blow up Barrel blow up
A bulge visible from the outside A bulge visible from the outside
Barrel blow up Barrel blow up
Barrel blow up Barrel blow up
Szakszerűtlen távcsőszerelés Due to improper scope mounting a scre protruded to the receiver preventing the bolt to close. Instead of shortening the screw, the one of the locking lugs as ground off to some extent.
Improperly welded bolt handle Improperly welded bolt handle
Rézforrasszal rögzített csőkampó
Rézforrasszal rögzített csőkampó
Barrel lug was copper soldered to the barrel during unprofessional repair. The bore deformed internally, scrap
Crack in the barrel extension of a semi-automatic shotgun, at the locking lug recess. Scrap. Repedés
Crack ont he barrel lug of a shotgun welded whilst unprofessional repair.
SZVD rifle fired in an imperfectly locked condition. Locking defect
Not fully screwed in choke caused barrel bulge Not fully screwed in choke caused barrel bulge
Incompletely screwed choke after firing. Incorrectly fitted pipe restriction
Crack of the receiver
Crack of the receiver
Crack of the receiver
Broken firing pin retaining spring. Can block the firing pin in forward position, causing unintentional discharge. Broken striker spring
Broken trigger Broken trigger
Crack surface of the broken trigger Crack surface
Rifle damage upon proof testing caused by manufacturing defect



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